30 Links

(Dispersants) API Pub 4691 Fate of Spilled Oil In Marine WatersFate of Spilled Oil In Marine Waters: Where Does It Go? What Does It Do? How Do Dispersants Affect It? - An Information Booklet for Decision Makers
(Dispersants) API Pub 4692 A Decision Maker's Guide to DispersantsA Review of the Theory and Operational Requirements
(Dispersants) API Pub 4693 Effects of Oil and Chemically Dispersed Oil in the Environment 
(NEBA-type doc) Vessel Spill Response Technologies: Farallones IslandsVessel Spill Response Technologies: Report of a Joint Working Group of the Gulf of the Farallones and Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuaries Advisory Councils
CANUSPAC Annex 2016Most recent version, signed in 2016.
Coast Guard Reimbursable Standard Rates CI 7310.1PThese rates change roughly annually. Check with NPFC to make sure these are most current rates.
Crude oil stream data from CanadaPhysical and chemical data for crude oil streams shipped in Canada
Dispersant Science White Paper 
Idaho Department of Health and WelfareIdaho Department of Health and Welfare
Idaho DEQIdaho State Department of Environmental Quality
Idaho Office of Emergency ManagementIOEM- oil and hazamat response site for IDAHO
National Association of Tribal Historic Preservation OfficersNational Association of Tribal Historic Preservation Officers Homepage
National Response TeamSite for NRT
NWACP Dispersant Policy Map 
NWACP In-Situ Burning Web Map 
Oiled Wildlife TrainingU.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Oiled Wildlife Training Announcement
Oiled Wildlife TrainingNational Response Team Oiled Wildlife Training Video Series Presentation
Oiled Wildlife TrainingU.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Oiled Wildlife Training Video Series Information
Oregon Department of HealthOregon Department of Health Services
Oregon DEQOregon State Department of Environmental Quality
Oregon Emergency Management DivisionOregon Emergency Management Division
Selection Guide for Oil Spill Response CountermeasuresTool to help responders identify countermeasures that are appropriate based on the specific attributes of an oil spill.
USFWS Endangered Species Listing by CountyThis is an interactive page that provides a list of endangered species believed to live in a single county or single state.
WA Emergency Management DivisionWA Emergency Management Division
WA State Department of HealthWashington Department of Health
Washington Department of EcologyWashington Department of Ecology
Washington Oils Spills 101Washington State Department of Ecology Oil Spills Program
Washington State Dept of Ecology-ICS ToolkitIncident Command System
Worldwide Response Resource List (WRRL)Oil spill response equipment database maintained by regional equipment owners, including resources in the Pacific Northwest.


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